I started my business Sewing Concepts 3.5 yrs ago and knew nothing about twitter. My studio is a rural location so it is a challenge to get my name out there. I attended a twitter workshop a couple of years back and met Samantha Kelly. After that she set up #irishbizparty. It took me about 6 months after that workshop to actually start using twitter and honestly I hadn’t got a clue and I just didn’t get it!
The hashtag conversations were double dutch to me. After some time just watching the twitter feed I started to engaged in #irishbizparty on Wed nights. I very soon got the hang of it and have built up a good following on twitter and also built up an on-line presence in my expertise. I am now regularly get recommended on twitter by others I have interacted with over the years and most recently a well know DJ from Spin FM was looking for a dressmaker in Ireland. Sam recommended me along with some othertwitter users and as a direct result I secured the job. This would never have happened if I was not aregular networker on twitter and it has yet again opened my eye to the huge opportunity twitter offersfor business. I also made a Christening romper suit for a customer in Dublin who found me on twitter.Twitter is not about the hard sell, it’s about building on-line relationships and offering help, advice and RT’s to others. Anyone in business who is not embracing twitter are really missing out on so many business opportunities.
Miriam Lloyd