One of the most frustrating things for a Twitter user is to see someone on Twitter giving out about not having followers. Then you look and check out their bio. There is no picture (And egghead) or nothing written about who they are and what they are about. 

Creating a great bio is one of the most important things you should do on Twitter. And one of the easiest! So take time to make your bio rock. Here are some tips to help you.

1.  Think about this. Why should people follow you?  Would YOU follow this bio?  Is it attractive? Now I don’t mean are you gorgeous….am sure you are, but is there a professional headshot or a smiley picture of yourself? If you are a larger company is there a photo of your logo?

2. What personality do you want to portray?  Figure this out before you start.

What about the header picture? I suggest personalising it a bit. Perhaps a photo of the team behind the business? Not standing there like robots, maybe doing something more relaxed like a charity event or at the bbq you had last Summer (Before too many pints were consumed) What about a photo of the workspace, everyone on their coffee break. Be creative here.

You can never go wrong with a nice sunset or scenic photo either.

3 . Tell people what you do – I’m not going to follow you unless you tell me more….what is it you do? What service do you provide? What products do you sell?   What hobbies or interests do you have? What do you like? Are you into food? Sport? Healthy lifestyle? Sailing? Hiking?

You can make this a bit humorous too…Be creative. I love funny bios. This is not LinkedIn, you can be more relaxed on Twitter.

4 . Where are you based?  If you provide service nationwide then just put ‘Ireland’ in there. (If you are in Ireland of course)!

5. How can I buy from you or contact you?  Make it as easy as possible for people to buy from you. You could get a sale there and then if people see you do something they want.

6.  Is your website there? Always include a link to your website.  If you don’t have a website, get one. Especially as so many people shop online now. If you can’t afford a website, look into funding from your local enterprise office. Shop around. Ask someone for recommendations.  If you think you don’t need a website, then send them to your Facebook or Etsy page (somewhere they can order online off you)

Right so you have created your bio…..Ask yourself:

What do you want to achieve from being on Twitter? Sales? Brand awareness?

Who is your target market?

Are they on Twitter? (The demographic on Twitter is age 35 – 55, professional and urban) Highest growing demographic is over 55s.

Building your followers

Who are the influencers in your industry?

Are there people you already know on Twitter? Let them know you are a #newbie and they will help you get started by Retweeting you. Always tell me anyway I love to help out new people coming to Twitter.

For example if you are in the beauty industry follow leaders in the industry.  Use hashtags like #irishbizparty #irishbeautyhour #Womensinspire for example

Follow Beauty bloggers #irishbbloggers

Magazines, Beauty editors

Follow your competitors too

Who are they engaging with (Talking to on Twitter)

What lists have the influencers got?  Go to their profiles….see ‘Lists’ who have they got on their lists?

Don’t just follow follow follow… selective, watch and learn from them. Engage with them.

That should get you started. Will do another blog post soon about how to increase your followers organically.